Career Development Plan

Guide to Writing a Career Development Plan

Part 1: Employee Instructions
Step 1:
Write down your primary career INTEREST.
Tip: A primary career interest is usually described in terms of a general vocation. For example, "My primary career interest is marketing within the automobile industry."
Step 2:
Identify long-term professional goals (including positions desired within the company).
Tip: Long term professional goals are often conveyed in terms of specific positions ("become a regional sales manager") or major accomplishments ("write a book").
Tip: List any lateral moves or promotions that will help you MEET your long-term professional goals. For example, "I want to move from sales associate to sales manager, and finally to regional sales manager."
Step 3:
Identify the short-term goals that contribute to long-term interests and the challenges that must be overcome in order to reach these goals.
Tip: Identify barriers, both personal and external, that prevent you from accomplishing your short-term goals, then create ways to overcome them. For example, "My short-term goal is to acquire advanced computer skills. The barrier is the time constraints on my job in mechanical engineering which leave me little or no time to receive the additional training I need. The way I could overcome this barrier is to find more efficient ways to complete my tasks or to delegate them to others while I attend the August training sessions."
Step 4:
List 2-3 activities that will help you reach each goal. Be sure to specify how you will accomplish the activity, including any resources you might need, and when you will start and finish it. (Resources may include other people's time/expertise, funds for training materials and activities,or time away from your other responsibilities).
Tip: Common Development Activities
  • Identify and cultivate a RELATIONSHIP with a mentor/role model.
  • Read relevant material.
  • Engage in training and education.
  • Keep a journal.
  • Attend appropriate seminars.
  • Take on special job assignments or job rotation.
  • Receive coaching from a skilled co-worker.
  • Increase customer contact.
  • Incorporate activities into ongoing work assignments.
Step 5:
Describe tasks in your current job that are contributing to long term goals and that you would like to emphasize or perform more frequently.
Step 6:
Describe tasks in your current job that are not contributing to your long-term goals. Suggest ways to minimize, remove, or delegate them to others.
Step 7:
Write down any additional skills, knowledge or experience you would like to acquire that may directly or indirectly help you in your current job or future positions.
Step 8:
Describe when and how progress checkpoints will occur (e.g., memos, phone calls, meetings) and what developmental activities will be completed or discussed at these times.


Career Development Plan Template

Step 1: Write down your primary career INTEREST.
Step 2: Identify long-term professional goals (including positions desired within the company).
Long-term professional goals:
1. Become a Regional Sales Manager
Step 3: Identify the short-term goals that will contribute to long-term interests.
Short-term professional goals:
1. Be in top 10% of regional sales for each quarter
2. Be a team leader for Project Zelphi
3. JOIN the Omicron Trade Group
Step 4: List 2-3 activities that will help you reach each goal. Be sure to specify how you will accomplish the activity, including any resources you might need, and when you will start and finish it.
Career development activities:
Short-term Goal 1: Be in top 10% of regional sales each quarter
Activity 1: Go on sales calls with senior sales managers, Susan Pipkin and Jose Gonzales.
How to accomplish: Have manager introduce me to them. Ask them to lunch and cultivate a working RELATIONSHIP.
Starting DATE: Next Monday, July 15th.

Date of completion: Next Friday, July 19th.

Activity 2: Read the top two trade publications each month.
How to accomplish: Subscribe to them through work.

Starting date: Tomorrow, July 12th.

Date of completion: Tomorrow, July 12th through next year.
Short-term Goal 2:
Short-term Goal 3:
Step 5: Describe tasks in your current job that are contributing to long-term goals and that you would like to emphasize or perform more frequently.
Suggested task emphasis\expansion:
1. Working on projects with marketing and product development units.
Step 6: Describe tasks in your current job that are not contributing to your long-term goals. Suggest ways to minimize, eliminate, or delegate them to others.
Suggested task minimization/elimination:
1. Weekly meetings with Channel Sales (could send Sharon Lee in my place)
Step 7Write down any additional skills, knowledge or experience you would like to acquire that may directly or indirectly help you in your current or future positions.
Additional skills, knowledge, experience desired:
1. Becoming proficient in technical aspects of our software programs.
Step 8: Describe when and how progress checkpoints will occur (e.g., memos, phone calls, meetings, etc.) and what developmental activities will be completed or discussed at these times.
Progress Checkpoint 1: MEETING with manager
DATE and Time of Checkpoint: Monday August 5, 10:00 a.m.
Purpose: Discuss sales calls with Susan Pipkin
Progress Checkpoint 2: Phone call with manager
Date and Time of Checkpoint: Friday September 7, 10:00 a.m.
Purpose: Address relevant learning from sales seminar