The Advantages & Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Food

A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. Organisms that have been genetically modified include micro-organisms such as bacteria and yeast, insects, plants, fish, and mammals. GMOs are the source of genetically modified foods and are also widely used in scientific research and to produce goods other than food.

Genetically Modified Food
crop plants created for consumption that have been modified in a laboratory

Genetic engineering
Making changes in the DNA code of a living organism

Selective breeding
The breeding of animals or plants that have desirable characteristics

All of an organism's hereditary information

Change in an organism caused by environmental factors

Acronym for Generally Recognized As Safe

Cross Breeding
Reproduction between two different species to create a new one

Gene Splicing
cutting the DNA of a gene to add base pairs

Gene transfer
The insertion of one organism's genetic information in the form of DNA into another organism

The use of living things and technology to make products

Proponents Claim That There are Many Advantages:
  • Crops are more productive and have a larger yield.
  • Could potentially offer more nutrition and flavor (although this is debated).
  • A possibility that they could eliminate allergy-causing properties in some foods.
  • Inbuilt resistance to pests, weeds and disease.
  • More capable of thriving in regions with poor soil or adverse climates.
  • More environment friendly as they require less herbicides and pesticides.
  • Foods are more resistant and stay ripe for longer so they can be shipped long distances or kept on shop shelves for longer periods.
  • As more GMO crops can be grown on relatively small parcels of land, they are an answer to feeding growing world populations.
Corporations insist that:
  • Genetically modified foods are safe. Changing a few genes here and there does not make a crop toxic or dangerous.
  • Why shouldn't we alter nature to meet our needs? There are many natural organisms that human beings have transformed to serve their purpose.

Critics Cite the Dangers of GMO

  • Scientists can choose which genes to manipulate, but they don't yet know where in the DNA to precisely insert these genes and they have no way of controlling gene expression. Genes don't work in isolation, changing a few could change the whole picture, with unpredictable results.
  • The use of genetically modified food should not be encouraged without research into the risks.
  • Not labeling is wrong and unfair to the consumers who should have the right to know what they are buying so they can decide for themselves whether they want to buy the food or not. Even if health safety factors are not an issue, some people might have moral or religious objections. They should not have to eat GMOs if they don't want to.
  • Genetically modified crops pose a risk to food diversity as the plants are much more dominant.
  • Herbicide-resistant and pesticide-resistant crops could give rise to super-weeds and super-pests that would need newer, stronger chemicals to destroy them.
  • GMO crops cross-pollinate with nearby non-GMO plants and could create ecological problems. If this were to happen with GMO foods containing vaccines, antibiotics, contraceptives and so on, it would very well turn into a human health nightmare.
  • The claim of ending world hunger with GMOs is false. World hunger is not caused by a shortage of food production, but by sheer mismanagement, and lack of access to food brought about by various social, financial and political causes.
  • GMO technology companies patent their crops and also engineer crops so that harvested grain germs are incapable of developing. This is not empowering to impoverished Third World farmers, who cannot save seeds for replanting and have to buy expensive seeds from the companies every year. The new technology also interferes with traditional agricultural methods which may be more suited to local environments.
  • GMOs are not the answer to world hunger and health. Instead we should focus on improving organic agricultural practices which are kinder to the earth and healthier for humans.