Common Internet Abbreviations

 What is an abbreviation?

An abbreviation is a shortened form of a written word or phrase. Abbreviations may be used to save space and time, to avoid repetition of long words and phrases, or simply to conform to conventional usage.

Here are the most common Internet abbreviations:

LOL: laugh out loud

OMG: Oh my God

ILY: I love you

LMAO: laughing my a** off

FBO: Facebook official (when on one's facebook profile it says "In A Relationship" and your significant other's name)

SFW: Safe for work (describes a web page, picture, video, or other content that is not inappropriate to view in a formal setting, such as a workplace).

ASL: Age/Sex/Location ( is an article of Internet slang used in instant messaging programs and in Internet chatrooms. It is used as a question to find out the age, sex (or gender), and general location of the person one is talking to).

AFAIK: As far as I know

IMHO: In my humble opinion

IRL: In real life

ISO: In search of

J/K: Just Kidding

POV: Point of view

RBTL: Read between the lines (look for or discover a meaning that is implied rather than explicitly stated).

BTW: By the way

CTN: Can’t talk now

CYE: Check your email

dI: Download

ETA: Estimated time of arrival

FYI: For your information (It is often used in both personal and business correspondence to show that information is simply being shared and that no immediate action is required or expected).

gr8: Great

GTG: Got to go

OT: Off topic

PC: Personel computer

pls: Please

POS: Parent over shoulder

ppl: People

Txt: Text

BRB: Be Right Back

B4N: Bye for Now

TY: Thank you

w/e: Whatever

W8: Wait

XOXO: Hugs and kisses ( is an informal term used for expressing sincerity, faith, love, or good friendship at the end of a written letter, email or text).

Y: Why