Describing a Person - CEFR - B1 (Intermediate English)

Essay Type: Describing a Person 

Essay Plan: 

Paragraph 1: Write the person's name and how you have met each other.

Paragraph 2:Describe physical appearance, clothes and personality traits. Supply justificatons.

Paragraph 3: Describe person's hobbies and intertests.

Paragraph 4:Your final thoughts and feelings.

Use Linkers:

and-->also-->as well-->too-->additionally

but-->However-->on the other hand

Build an argument:

(a) Idea / thesis statement
(b) Justification of idea
(c)Supply results or examples

Essay Example by Student:

Name of Student: Orfeus Chrisanthis (CEFR - B1 Intermediate English)

Teacher's notes:

Orfeus followed successfully the essay plan. He implemented key phrases correctly. He used a variety of vocabulary.

It needs proof reading before handing it in, so as to avoid grammatical mistakes. 

Vocabulary helpline :



